How to Participate as A Professional

A professional user of MedLink should be a registered physicians of a medical institute (either hospital or clinic) that are using MedLink as its service platform.

If you represent a medical institute (either hospital or clinic) and have interest to use MedLink as the platform for your institution’s clinical documentation and management, you may contact us by email at

How to Participate as Individual

Individual account should be initiated through a registered physicians of a medical institute (a hospital) that are using MedLink as its service platform. MedLink does not provide direct services to individuals.

How can I get help if I have problem in using MedLink?

For technical assistance, please contact us by email at

For other information, please contact us at:

MedLink Development Partnership, Sekwa Institute of Medicine, 132 Xizhimennei Avenue, Xicheng District, Beijing 100035, China. Email: